BetaFPV Toothpick F4 AIO FC
• Chris
After NamelessRC released all in one flight-controller catering to toothpick builds, BetaFPV also announced one that is looking very similar and has basically the same specs: 2-4S and provide 12 Amps continuously.
And there is a reason for that: The NamelessRC board was developed in heavy cooperation with Bob Roogie, and it seems he mixed up with whom he was talking to at one moment in time. Instead of telling NamelessRC his ideas, he told them to one of the BetaFPV techs - that is the reason why the two flight-controllers are so similar. Funny enough they also credit him on their board. Bob says that NamelessRC was not to thrilled about that incident, but they understand.
Similar to the NamelessRC one, you can get this one also with and without the motor sockets. For the specs, check out my article about the NamelessRC NLRC AIO412T since they are using basically exactly the same components.
The major differences to the AIO412T are, that the BetaFPV board has its pads slightly more spaced apart and not all of the pads are available on both sides of the board. Further the pads for the cap are missing on the BetaFPV board.
At 6.2g the BetaFPV version is also significantly heavier than the NLRC AIO412T which weighs in at 4.7g.
The BetaFPV board come with M2 screws.
Also price wise they seem to be very similar - the BetaFPV toothpick board comes in at about $45.
Time will tell which one of them will be more reliable, but production quality seems to be very high on both of them. The one thing that might make people buy the BetaFPV one over the NamelessRC one, is that the BetaFPV gear is usually available on Amazon, which is a big advantage if you want to get something quickly.
Chris is a Vienna based software developer. In his spare time he enjoys reviewing tech gear, ripping quads of all sizes and making stuff.
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